Bounce Back Work Recovery
The Bounce Back Work Recovery programme was initiated to assist teams who have collectively been exposed to significant workplace pressure.
The Bounce Back Work Recovery programme was initiated to assist teams who have collectively been exposed to significant workplace pressure. Based on current research, the programme is designed to give a ‘re-set’ to teams and individuals, to facilitate the return to a state of well-being, whilst developing team ethos and building resilience. To assist with behavioural change, the programme is carried over a minimum of a six-week period and comprises:
An individual consultation with a psychologist to ascertain suitability for the programme. Individuals will be subject to screening using appropriate tools to establish whether there is a requirement for clinical intervention. The individual’s levels of stress and anxiety will also be measured.
Detach, Relax and Recover
Low level activity day which encourages detachment from the working environment. The day includes team cohesion, communication skills and an introduction to mindfulness, together with relaxation techniques and methods to build personal resilience. On conclusion, attendees will be able to formulate their own personal resilience plan and use this for further development. The detach, relax, and recover day is inclusive, therefore shaped around the needs of the team to ensure that everyone can participate.
Recover Support (initial, interim, review)
These are individual zoom sessions with a psychologist and are carried out fortnightly. The initial session focuses on the development of an individual development plan and goal setting. The interim session is to check that the individual is progressing towards their goals, and to assist if there are any barriers that are inhibiting the individual from maximising their potential. The review session carries out a review of progress that has been made. This includes measuring stress and anxiety as a measure of effect. The door is never closed with Pensa Psychology, and further sessions can be added if necessary.
The benefits of the Bounce Back Work Recovery Programme are numerous, and include:
Increased well-being and resilience
Increased team cohesion
Increased productivity and efficiency
Identification of underlying issues and signposting
Reduction of stress and anxiety